Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Surfing past sunset Wednesday 07APR10

Got a late start hitting up the waves today but boy was it worth it. Waves were breaking overhead and clean on the outer break, and waist to chest high and some higher. It was pretty crowded, even past sunset and there was a good rip running on N. Packery. I definitely had some awesome rides today, even with my eyes full of salt water! I've been scraping off the crudded up wax from a previous session (not all the way to the glass though) and putting on a fresh coat. I find that it definitely helps with turning and staying on the board. I've also been putting some wax up to the nose. I don't put as much as on the rest of the board, but I want some purchase on the nose if my foot gets up there. Waves were nice and lined up, it was amazing, I only wish I could've been out earlier and stayed out longer. The one thing that has improved my surfing the most since getting to Corpus has been to not look down at the board but look around to see how the wave is breaking. It helps both my balance (by seeing the horizon) and ride length. I had a really awesome ride on an outer breaking wave, it was definitely the best wave of the day (followed closely by a wave on the middle break I was able to salvage and ride). I caught a wave as it was about to break, nearly ran over two other surfers as the wave caught me, and ended up body boarding into a better position before standing up. I cut back towards the jetty and rode a cresting but already breaking line back towards the jetty. It's definitely in the top 5 waves I've caught. The first still's gotta be the wave I caught off Tourmaline with my Yancy Fish and rode sideways on a clean wave. The water was so clear I could see the rocks in the blue green water below me. That ride was a first because riding down the line really started to click for me. Gotta apologize for a lack of pics. I'm a couple sessions behind in getting pictures up, stand by. Still gotta figure out what to do about my go pro camera mount.

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